Security and safety precautions when using caustic welding
amr mohamed
Occupation: : 369Date of Birth : 1994-09-29Join Date : 2010-11-12Age : 30
Subject: Security and safety precautions when using caustic welding Fri 18 Mar 2011, 5:59 pm
Security and safety precautions when using caustic welding
Periodic maintenance of the caustic Isr tin on top of caustic and after that Tin spreads to parts of the disconnect voltage. Sign on a daily basis on top of melted tin Caustic at the lowest temperature there is no need to separate the effortwith him. You need to do is clean the parts of the caustic League every week. The detailed shape of the parts of caustic to be dismantled A week for cleaning or to change the damaged pieces and can learn the names of parts of the Figure Sign in Filks caustic dip (if Caustic of the type of station so let the heat to a minimum) and let himwarm until the Filks Evaporation
1 - Remove the nut NUT
2 - Remove the tube carry and protect your head TIP INCLOSURE
3 - Remove the head TIP
4 - Remove the nobility NIPPLE (and noble function of the heater to maintain Over-expansion) is important and quality
5 - Clean these parts and replace the caustic
Should not be pressure on the caustic, because that will Lead to the break up between the nobility and the wires connecting theheater voltage, control, and is usually in the The user's hand. If you are generous and want to loan promised It is not preparing your purchased several other loan. When you take the necessary precautions to maintain the Caustic remains to be do not let it fall on the ground
Did you know: The caustic old good start Default in the day on which it is located on the ground if periodicmaintenance was permanently .
Security and safety precautions when using caustic welding